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  • Uplift Terpene Blend


    Our CBD infused Terpene tinctures with our under the tongue applicators are the perfect solution for ingesting your CBD Tinctures. Terpenes are simply aromatic organic compounds. Terpenes are found naturally in many plants and even in some insects. In cannabis, terpenes are the essential oils that enhance the effects of CBD. Cannabis has naturally high levels of terpenes. Many researchers have emphasized the pharmacological importance of terpenes.


    How Do Terpenes Work? Cannabis has around 200 types of terpenes, but only a few appear in amounts substantial enough to be noteworthy. Among them are monoterpenes, diterpenes, and sesquiterpenes, characterized by the number of repeating units of isoprene. Isoprene is a 5-carbon molecule and the structural hallmark of all terpenoid compounds. When combined with CBD, terpenes bind to neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain.

    • Ingredients:

      Hemp (Seed) Oil, Cannabidiol Hemp Extract, Terpene linalool, Terpene beta caryphyllle, Terpene alpha Pinene, Terpene Limonene

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