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Let's talk bone health!

The National Osteoporosis Foundation experts predict by 2025 that osteoporosis will be responsible for 3 million fractures and cost $23.3 billion.

Osteoporosis is a silent, yet serious, potentially deadly disease. Why? A woman's risk of fracture is equal to her combined risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer. For a man, he is more likely have a fracture from bone loss than having prostate cancer. Sadly, about 24% of hip fracture patients over the age of 50 die within a year of fracture and only 15% that are "recovering" can walk unaided within 6 months . So it is easy to see why they call it the silent but deadly disease.

So what can you do for your health?

Start with getting bone density screenings. If you have osteopenia or osteoporosis then take action!

Take your CBD! I know it is the news for other things too, but CBD has been shown to help with bone healing after fracture and increased bone density in animal models. There is fantastic research being done with this and I am sure we will hear more wonderful news about this in the future, but with all of the other health benefits of CBD (moods, immune support, inflammation support, etc) this is a vital addition to your health regimen. Thankfully, there are so many delicious ways you can incorporate CBD into your daily routine.

START a good vitamin regimen. Some important ingredients to look for: Vitamin D (have this level checked every 6 months with your doctor), Strontium, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Calcium (an amount within reason), and Boron to name a few. Through Fullscript we offer several wonderful bone health vitamin regimens. Please send me an email to with your full name, email, and phone number (phone is optional) so we can set up an account to get you started! You will receive a welcome email/text and can shop recommendations from there.

Weight bearing exercise is vital to bone density. There is a reason that the astronauts while in space lose bone density in a zero gravity environment. We are meant to move and living a sedentary life is one of the worst things you can do for you overall health-- but definitely not good for bone density. If you have severe bone loss, then consider a knowledgeable trainer to help assist you in the right direction to decrease your risk of fracture while starting a new program. Sometimes a walking program is an easy first step and you can step it up a notch by adding the appropriate amount of weights (leg, arms, and/or vest) to your walk for added benefit.

Avoid caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and sodium. Eat a healthy variety of foods, healthy fats, protein, vegetables, and leafy greens. Limit processed foods.

Bio-identical hormones for bone health, if not contraindicated with another health issue, is a great addition.

Other non-traditional approaches are vibra therapy and ondamed (energy medicine/biofeedback devices).

Guard your own Wellness today!!



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